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What is Safe Routes to School?
Safe Routes to School strives to build a collaborative community to support students using alternative transportation (walking, biking, skating and scooting) to and from school with the goal to encourage lifelong healthy habits and create a more livable environment for the community.

The 6 E’s of Safe Routes to School:
  • Education – providing age appropriate instruction on bike and pedestrian safety
  • Encouragement – building interest in active/alternative transportation
  • Engineering – building safe and effective infrastructure in the community and at school sites
  • Enforcement – enforcing safe bike, pedestrian and driving rules
  • Evaluation – using collected data to assess efforts to grow and develop new programs
  • Equity – ensuring that programs benefit all students and individuals in a community
Safe Routes at Daves Avenue, with the support of our Home & School Club, focuses on the Education and Encouragement of students and their families through grade-level specific learning opportunities and school-wide events. Our goal is to increase the number of students and families who walk, bike, skate, scooter, and carpool to school.
For more information, please click here:  Safe Routes to School
Plan Your Route to School

Did you know?! There are highlighted routes in our neighbors designated as “Safe Routes” - these are pathways that may provide safe pathways for students to walk or wheel (bike/scooter) to school. Check and see if you live on or near a Safe Route!


Upcoming Events 19/20


Fall 2019

9/18 Safe Route 2 School Meeting
9/19 4th Grade Bike Rodeo
9/23 - 9/27 Walk to School Week
10/9 National Walk to School Day
11/13 Scooter to School Day 
December  Safety Month: Give the Gift of Safety


Winter/Spring 2020

2/12 Carpool to School Day* /Bus Driver Appreciation 
3/9 - 3/13 Crossing Guard Appreciation Week
4/19 - 4/22
Earth Week & Take it to the Streets!
Bike to School Day
Bay Area Bike to Work Day
SR2S Thank You Breakfast


 * A carpool is 3 or more children from one family or children from 2 or more families.